Philip III is the first Minor Austria and was son of...
- Charles I and Isabella of Portugal
- Philip II and Anna of Austria
The first "validos" appeared during the kingdom of Philip III
- True
- False
The first valido of Philip III was...
- The duke of Lerma
- The duke of Uceda
The second "valido" of Philip III was...
- The duke of Uceda
- The duke of Alba
As a consequence of the expulsion of the "Moriscos"...
- There was more land and economy improved.
- There was a serious demographic loss, agricultural production decreased and crisis got worse.
In International Relations the Duke of Lerma...
- Entered into a period of peace and stability.
- Started conflicts with The Netherlands, France and England.
What famous book was written during the kingdom of Philip III?
- La Celestina
- El Quijote
- El Cantar del Mío Cid
What two historical buildings were constructed in Madrid during the kingdom of Philip III? (choose 2 buildings)